The Taste of the Day

Another task tracking system

1 minute read

My boss recommended I read The Taste of the Day to learn to let go of tasks.


  • Doesn’t matter what system you use, just use it all of the time
  • The Morning Scrub
    • Evaluate every item into one of the following categories
      • Today: must be done today
      • Later: Not today, not never
      • Never:
  • The Evening Scrub
    • Parking lot goes to Later
    • Today items
      • Why didn’t this get done? Not enough time? => Later
      • Could it just be deleted instead? This is ok. If it’s important, it’ll come back up again.


As an engineer, your natural inclination is to build an increasingly complex system for tracking your tasks. The risk is that the more structure you put into your list, the more you need to maintain it, and the more you maintain it, the less time you’ll have to actually get work done.